Learning music theory as you go along can be quite satisfying. You can play steelpans or any instrument really without theory, but, for for some people, when you want to know, you want to know! Why, if a song starts with the chord of C, do F and G appear very close behind? Why does the chord of C followed by the chord of A minor sound so satisfying?  The answers to these questions and to many others, some of which you may have absolutely no interest in are here below.


This is a very basic introduction to keys in music, and how to work out what chords and which notes fit into which keys? And what is a key anyway? Hardly anything gets answered here, but I hope it whets your appetite for more.

Victoria J

Looking at how scales can be constructed from the chime bars' point of view, looking at one of the very nice spin-offs that the circle of fifth style soprano [aka tenor] pan, looking a scale working its way up a guitar string, and at the inside of an upright piano.